Internal auditing


For whom: Quality managers and candidate internal auditors


Internal auditing is a required management tool to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system implemented, the degree of compliance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2015, ISO17020:2012 and/or ISO/IEC 17025:2005 /2017, the own documented actions and completeness of registrations, and to assess pitfalls encountered by personnel and their suggestions for improvement. Internal audits have to be done by staff trained not only in auditing techniques but also in the interpretation of the clauses of the Standard.


In this training course, we will present the participants the basic principles of internal auditing and review with them the requirements of the International Standards. The training will focus on the practical conduction of audits, including preparation and planning, auditing and follow-up activities.

The course will be divided in lectures and practical exercises, role-plays and discussions on how to audit, how to handle difficult auditing situations and how to make sure that the audit helps in improving the quality system of the audited institute or laboratory.


The course contains
- ISO19011:2011 requirements for auditing
- auditing schemes, planning, meetings
- interview techniques and audit report drafting
- good and bad approaches in internal auditing
- evidence to look for on the various clauses of the International Standards
- handling and evaluating non-conformities


Group size: 10-15
Duration: 3 working days


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