Risk-based thinking and assessment
For whom: Laboratory managers, Executive management
Organizations and their management are often facing the 'what if' question, e.g., if opportunities for new or more effective technologies and methods are encountered, but also in the decision process following non-conformances, and to identify threats and hazards. Probabilistic risk-based thinking and assessment can contribute to such a decision process.
Risk-based thinking is now a cross-cutting requirement in the International Standards such as ISO 9001, ISO/IEC17025 and ISO 45001 although there is not always a formal need for documented risk assessment. Basic guidance on risk management is provided by the ISO 31000 series of standards. Risk-based thinking and assessment is also encountered in the evaluation of nonconformities. Risk Management provides us with the tools and rules to ensure that such management is more effective and efficient. It also helps us to avoid future problems in the case of threats or to take full advantage of opportunities. All involved in the laboratory's operations should be stimulated to get used to and apply these concepts.
The risk and opportunities are typically evaluated according to metrics or parameters, viz. (i) Severity (if harm happens, how serious is the event) and (ii) Likelihood (what is the probability of a harmful event).
Duration: 2 days
Group size: 15-20 persons